In the Garden

Now that September has arrived, the flower garden has moved into full swing. This year, it will be included in the Garden Conservancy's Open Days program on Sunday, September 16th. Open Days was begun by the Conservancy in 1995 and the $5.00 garden entry fee goes towards preserving exceptional American gardens. I am so pleased to be a part and more information may be found at the

Also this year, I built a vegetable garden. There is a tennis court on our property that was originally built in the 1930's. When we moved into our house 18 years ago, it was in quite a state of disrepair. We resurfaced and fenced the court,though truthfully, none of us play tennis. So, as there was a rather tall fence to keep out the deer, I decided to repurpose the court and Wally helped me build raised beds. We made 8 boxes and the tomatoes seemed to be quite happy there. We planted sunflower seeds in the court cracks and they look like sentinels. It was work to water the beds and during the three weeks of no rain in July, the vegetables definitely suffered. I have figured out a simple drip system now and next year the watering should be more consistent. It has been good experiment and and I have enjoyed photographing everything before cooking.

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